The Henderson Health Care Foundation is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt corporation whose membership is made up of individuals from the community who are dedicated to seeking contributions for the creation and maintenance of an endowment fund that will assure community-centered health care to Henderson and surrounding areas for future generations.
The Henderson Health Care Foundation is the contribution and endowment-generating arm of Henderson Health Care. Since its inception, the Foundation has actively promoted and helped make possible many major improvements including the assisted living facility, medical clinic, and hospital expansion. They have also helped fund numerous projects including the mammogram machine, x-ray machine, generator, cardiac rehab equipment, and the new helipad.
Gifts may be given in the form of cash, valuable personal property, real estate, and/or life insurance. All of these offer the contributor many opportunities for estate and tax planning. Your legal and financial adviser should be consulted for the current regulations and the best alternative to meet your needs, while at the same time supporting the Henderson Health Care Foundation.
If you would like to make a donation to the Henderson Health Care Foundation you can mail it to:
Henderson Health Care Foundation
PO Box 423
Henderson, NE 68371
EIN: 47-0794089
Visit our event website at:
Patient Feedback
"Thank you HHC for giving our family protection, health, assurance, & true care. The "Forever Moments" held in our hearts have so many of you in them. We could not have written our family's beginning any better. We were able to bring our 4 children into this world with full faith in the people providing us care in our most helpless, but most beautiful moment."